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Thiago Martins

Latin pop music
Pop music
World music
Born on September 19th, 1988 in Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian celebrity Thiago Martins has introduced fans to many different personas since debuting on TV screens at the start of the 21st century. Securing acting roles in everything from soaps to theatre to sitcoms, he later began to explore various musical pursuits on the side, lending his vocals to various groups including Guerreiros de Jorge and Trio Ternura for releases and live shows. In 2014, Martins released a self-titled debut album of his own, which explored both poppy sonics and the romantic pagode style of samba music and ...
Com Humildade / Papo Furado
Com Humildade / Papo FuradoThiago Martins and Gustavo Lins


Escondida / Volta
Escondida / VoltaGustavo Lins and Thiago Martins


Meu Nome É Favela / Moleque Atrevido (Meu Nome E Favela / Moleque Atrevido)
Meu Nome É Favela / Moleque Atrevido (Meu Nome E Favela / Moleque Atrevido)Thiago Martins


Trilha Do Amor / Primeira Estrela
Trilha Do Amor / Primeira EstrelaThiago Martins and Xande de Pilares


Pose de Rei
Pose de ReiThiago Martins and Zeca Pagodinho


Papo de Homem e Mulher / Abuso de Poder
Papo de Homem e Mulher / Abuso de Poder 

Ao Vivo

Grupo Clareou and Thiago Martins


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