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Third World

Reggae music
World music
Reggae roots
Reggae group Third World was formed in Kingston, Jamaica in 1973. Founded by former Inner Circle members keyboardist Michael ‘Ibo’ Cooper and guitarist Stephen ‘Cat’ Coore, the duo recruited vocalist Milton ‘Prilly’ Hamilton (Inner Circle), bassist Richard Daley (Ken Boothe / Tomorrow’s Children), percussionist Ivin ‘Carrot’ Jarrett (Inner Circle), and drummer Carl Barovier to form the first lineup of Third World before making their live debut in 1974. Third World’s line-up would evolve over the years with only Coore and Daley remaining constant members of the band throughout the...
Now That We Found Love
Now That We Found LoveThird World


Sense of Purpose
Sense of PurposeThird World

Sense of Purpose


Now That We Found Love
Now That We Found LoveThird World

Journey to Addis


Reggae Ambassador
Reggae Ambassador 

Live at Rototom Sunsplash

Third World


Try Jah Love
Try Jah LoveThird World

You'Ve Got the Power

Forbidden Love
Forbidden LoveThird World

Serious Business


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