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Tim Deluxe

House music
Electronic music
Summer Moon
Summer MoonDavid Guetta, Bob Sinclar, Tim Deluxe, Joachim Garraud and Ben Onono

You Got tha Touch
You Got tha Touch 

Martin Buttrich Instrumental Mix

Tim Deluxe and Sam Obernik

The Masters Series : Part 10


It Just Won't Do
It Just Won't Do 

Radio Edit

Tim Deluxe and Sam Obernik

The Little Ginger Club Kid


It Just Won't Do
It Just Won't DoTim Deluxe and Sam Obernik

It Just Won't Do

Choose Something Like a Star
Choose Something Like a StarTim Deluxe and Ben Onono

The Little Ginger Club Kid


Choose Something Like a Star
Choose Something Like a StarDarren Emerson, Tim Deluxe and Ben Onono

The Little Ginger Club Kid

