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Tim Hardin

Folk music
Folk rock
Tim Hardin was born in Eugene, Oregon, on December 23, 1941, and died in Los Angeles on December 29, 1980. The life and work of this singer-songwriter were marked by drugs: his addiction to heroin was stronger than anything else, and he died of it, aged just 39. We owe him a few gems of 1960s folk music, such as the standard "If I Were A Carpenter", known to the general public in France thanks to Johnny Hallyday's cover version, or "Reason to Believe". As well as a handful of wrinkle-free albums.
How Can We Hang On To A Dream
How Can We Hang On To A DreamTim Hardin

Tim Hardin 1


If I Were a Carpenter
If I Were a CarpenterTim Hardin

Live In Concert


Simple Song of Freedom
Simple Song of FreedomTim Hardin

Best Of Music - Oldies

It'll Never Happen Again
It'll Never Happen AgainTim Hardin

Tim Hardin 1

Bird on the Wire
Bird on the WireTim Hardin


Reason to Believe
Reason to BelieveTim Hardin

Tim Hardin 1


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