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Tom Frager

Folk music
French chanson
French mainstream pop
Guitarist, singer and surfer Tom Frager made his name with the band Gwayav', with whom he recorded the album Bloom Inside in 2002, followed by Better Days and its hit "Lady Melody" in 2009. In August 2013, Tom Frager published a follow-up to his musical adventures in the form of Carnet de Route .
Lady Melody
Lady MelodyTom Frager

Better Days


Et toi
Et toiLéonie, Tom Frager, Léa Paci, Tibz, Barry Moore and Philippine (Leonie and Lea Paci)

Odéon Sunset


Citoyen du monde
Citoyen du mondeTom Frager

Citoyen du monde


Give Me That Love
Give Me That Love 

Version Française

Tom Frager

Better Days


Give Me That Love
Give Me That LoveTom Frager and Gwayav'


Give Me That Love
Give Me That LoveTom Frager and Gwayav'

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