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(Tomoya Nakamura)

Film score
Stage & Screen
Asiatic music
Tomoya Nakamura is a Japanese actor who has enjoyed success in films, TV shows and on the stage. He has starred in a wide variety of films since his debut in 'Shichinin No Tomurai' in 2005, including 'Like Father, Like Son' (2013), 'Blue Flame' (2014), 'Lost and Found' (2016) and 'A Long Goodbye' (2019). His television credits include 'Tenchijin' (2009) and 'Miss Sherlock' (2018). Nakamura has also had many appearances on stage, both in plays such as 'The Merchant of Venice' (2013) and 'History Boys' (2014) and also in stage musicals such as 'The Rocky Horror Show' (2011), 'RE...
ひと足お先に (リプライズ2) (One Jump Ahead (Reprise 2))
ひと足お先に (リプライズ2) (One Jump Ahead (Reprise 2)) 

Japanese Version

中村倫也 (Tomoya Nakamura)


ホール・ニュー・ワールド (A  Whole New World)
ホール・ニュー・ワールド (A Whole New World) 

Japanese Version

中村倫也 and 木下晴香 (Tomoya Nakamura and Haruka Kinoshita)

A Whole New World


ひと足お先に (リプライズ) (One jump Ahead (Reprise))
ひと足お先に (リプライズ) (One jump Ahead (Reprise)) 

Japanese Version

中村倫也 (Tomoya Nakamura)


ひと足お先に (One Jump Ahead)
ひと足お先に (One Jump Ahead) 

Japanese Version

中村倫也 (Tomoya Nakamura)


サンキュー神様 (Thank You Kamisama)
サンキュー神様 (Thank You Kamisama)菅田将暉 and 中村倫也 (Masaki Suda and Tomoya Nakamura)



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