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Tony Garcia

World music
Electronic music
One of the driving forces behind the success of Latin Freestyle music in the late 80s and early 90s, American singer and record producer Tony Garcia (also known as Dr. Edit) began his musical journey as a street DJ in New York City in the late 70s. His debut single "Can't Get Enough of You" appeared in 1983 via Mr. T Records. Created in 1986, his label High Power Records championed the work of several Freestyle artists such as Peter Fontaine, Reinald-O, Wickett, and N.V., many of which went on to become some of the most well-known names in the genre. After landing a distribution ...
Just Like The Wind
Just Like The WindTony Garcia

Just Like the Wind

Se Me Olvidaba
Se Me OlvidabaTony Garcia

Girl You Hear Me Crying
Girl You Hear Me CryingTony Garcia

Tony Garcia 2

Another Night
Another Night 


Tony Garcia

20 Soundtrack Hits Of The '90s

Tolin Infante
Tolin InfanteTony Garcia

Take Me in Your Arms
Take Me in Your ArmsTony Garcia and Lil Suzy

Tony Garcia 2


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