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Rap music
West Coast Rap
Topgunn is the stage name of Danish rapper Oliver Gammelgaard Nielsen. Raised in the multi-cultural Nørrebro district of Copenhagen, Nielsen became involved in the local Jamaican-style dancehall scene, releasing his first EP 'Dansehallens Erobrer' in 2010 under the name 'Shaq Boosie'. That year Nielsen collaborated with the dancehall-influenced rap artist Klumben on his hit single 'Kriminel'. He also became part of the dancehall collectives Fuma Hi-fi and Firehouse, releasing the tracks 'Ingen Kokain' and 'Xfactor'. In 2011, Nielsen founded CHEFF records, a label for Danish hi...
Kongens Have
Kongens HaveTopGunn

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Lågsus For Evigt (Laagsus For Evigt)
Lågsus For Evigt (Laagsus For Evigt)Specktors, TopGunn and Tessa

Lågsus For Evigt


Man Kan Ikke Stole På en Pige Med en Lille Røv
Man Kan Ikke Stole På en Pige Med en Lille RøvTopGunn

Undskyld Jeg Ringer
Undskyld Jeg RingerTopGunn

Sender Mig Til Månen (Sender Mig Til Manen)
Sender Mig Til Månen (Sender Mig Til Manen)Cheff Records, Klumben, TopGunn, KIDD and ELOQ

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