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Transvision Vamp

Rock music
UK alternative rock
With raunchy singer Wendy James as the focal point, Transvision Vamp attracted huge interest during the late 1980s, applying pure pop appeal to the alternative, jagged and rebellious edge created by the group's two central characters - James and guitarist/songwriter Nick Sayer - both strongly influenced by punk music. James, who met Sayer when she was singing covers in a club in Brighton, didn't conform to the usual stereotype of British female singers, relishing the gritty power the rest of the band created around her. Her strident image was supported by outspoken opinions and a...
Tell That Girl to Shut Up
Tell That Girl to Shut UpTransvision Vamp

Pop Art


Revolution Baby
Revolution BabyTransvision Vamp

Pop Art


Wild Star
Wild StarTransvision Vamp

Pop Art


The Only One
The Only OneTransvision Vamp



I Want Your Love
I Want Your LoveRosa Clará and Transvision Vamp


I Just Wanna B With U
I Just Wanna B With UTransvision Vamp

