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Tzanca Uraganul

Traditional music
World music
East european music
Romanian singer of manele, a Balkan style of music with folk and Arabic influences, Andrei Velcu, born in Ploiesti on December 2, 1990, is better known as Tzancă Uraganu. He considered a career as a footballer before turning to music with Florin Salam's band, in which he made his debut. In 2012, he enjoyed his first success under the name Tzancă de Ploiesti with the track "Dale Dale", before choosing the name Tzancă Uraganu, after the nickname given to him in 2014 by Nicolae Gută. Partnered with manager and producer Nek, founder of the Boss Music label, Tzancă Uruganu accumulates...
Strainul e tot strain
Strainul e tot strainMonica Lupsa, De Santo and Tzanca Uraganul


Fake urile astea
Fake urile asteaTzanca Uraganul


Cine nu are valoare sa se duca la culcare
Cine nu are valoare sa se duca la culcareDe Santo and Tzanca Uraganul


Cat ar fi viata de grea
Cat ar fi viata de greaDe Santo and Tzanca Uraganul


Serpii din ziua de azi
Serpii din ziua de aziTzanca Uraganul and De Santo


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