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Ulla Meinecke

Rock music
Pop rock
Middle of the Road (MOR)
Ulla Meinecke is a German pop rock singer who rose to prominence in the 1980s and who has remained popular with her home audience due to performing songs in her native language. She writes her own lyrics but usually collaborates with other musicians to create the melodies. Meinecke was born in 1953 in Usingen, Taunus and after relocating to Frankfurt-am-Main in her early teens she began to write lyrics. A chance meeting with Udo Lindenberg in 1976 proved pivotal to her career because Lindenberg persuaded the young singer to move to Hamburg where she worked in his production compa...
Die Tänzerin
Die TänzerinUlla Meinecke

Wenn schon nicht für immer dann wenigstens für ewig

Was müssen das für Bäume sein (Was muessen das fuer Baeume sein)
Was müssen das für Bäume sein (Was muessen das fuer Baeume sein)Ulla Meinecke



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