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United States Air Force Band

Sing, Sing, Sing
Sing, Sing, SingUnited States Air Force Band


Anchors Aweigh
Anchors AweighUnited States Marine Band, United States Air Force Band and United States Navy Band


The Star-Spangled Banner (National Anthem, USA), for orchestra & voice/chor
The Star-Spangled Banner (National Anthem, USA), for orchestra & voice/chorUnited States Marine Band, United States Air Force Band and United States Air Force Singing Sergeants


Just Friends
Just FriendsUnited States Air Force Band and Russian Federation Border Troops Big Band (Moscow)


The Christmas Song
The Christmas SongUnited States Air Force Band, Peter C. Barenbregge, Senior Master Sergeant C.E. Askew, Master Sergeant Nita DeShazior and M Eckert


The Army Air Corps March ("Off we go into the wild blue yonder")
The Army Air Corps March ("Off we go into the wild blue yonder")United States Air Force Band
