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United States Marine Band

Anchors Aweigh
Anchors AweighUnited States Marine Band, United States Air Force Band and United States Navy Band


The Star-Spangled Banner (National Anthem, USA), for orchestra & voice/chor
The Star-Spangled Banner (National Anthem, USA), for orchestra & voice/chorUnited States Marine Band, United States Air Force Band and United States Air Force Singing Sergeants


The Marines' Hymn Apotheosis
The Marines' Hymn ApotheosisUnited States Marine Band

A Patriotic Salute to the Military Family


The Black Horse Troop, march for band
The Black Horse Troop, march for bandUnited States Marine Band


Old Home Days Suite
Old Home Days SuiteUnited States Marine Band

Ives : Variations Sur 'america' Et Autres Thèmes