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Ambient music
Electronic music
With an eclectic gang of conspirators by his side, James Lavelle has pick-pocketed a kaleidoscope of genres and mashed them into an electro crossover of dance, hip-hop and rock to help make UNKLE one of the most innovative and influential acts around. Music obsessed from an early age, Lavelle was DJ-ing and running local block parties from the age of 15 and started the Mo'Wax record label at just 18-years-old. Musical experiments with school friend Tim Goldsworthy, Money Mark and the Scratch Perverts heralded the first UNKLE EPs, but it was Lavelle's later partnership with D...
The Dog is Black
The Dog is BlackUNKLE and Liela Moss

Where Did The Night Out: Another Night Out

The Other Side
The Other SideUNKLE, Tom Smith and Philip Sheppard

The Road: Part II / Lost Highway

Ar.MourUNKLE, Elliott Power and Miink

The Road: Part II / Lost Highway


In a State/God Moving Over the Face of the Waters
In a State/God Moving Over the Face of the WatersUNKLE, Moby and Richard File

Lonely Soul
Lonely SoulUNKLE and Richard Ashcroft



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