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Vanilla Ice

Rap music
Pop rap
Rap metal
Despite attempts to create an image of a childhood steeped in street gang violence, Vanilla Ice started out singing in a church choir until he was 15. Drawn to the emerging hip hop scene, he started rapping in high school and wrote his later hit Ice Ice Baby when only 16. Ice signed a contract with Ichiban Records in 1989, releasing his debut album Hooked. When a year later Ice signed a deal with SBK Records, they re-released his album under a new name To The Extreme. Credited with bringing hip hop to a mainstream audience, his single Ice Ice Baby which sampled David Bowie and Qu...
Cool As Ice (Everybody Get Loose)
Cool As Ice (Everybody Get Loose)MC Hammer and Vanilla Ice

The Best of Vanilla Ice


I Like It (Live/1991)
I Like It (Live/1991)Vanilla Ice

Extremely Live

Pop Goes the Weasel
Pop Goes the WeaselVanilla Ice and 3rd Bass

Derelicts of Dialect


Ice Ice Baby
Ice Ice BabyVanilla Ice

The Best of Vanilla Ice


Dancin'Vanilla Ice

To the Extreme

Havin' a Roni
Havin' a RoniVanilla Ice

To the Extreme

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