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Viktor Lazlo

French chanson
Soul music
Born Sonia Dronier in 1960, Viktor Lazlo's first album, She (1985), which included the hits "Pleurer des rivières " and "Canoë rose ", attracted a host of talented songwriters: Boris Bergman, Alain Chamfort, Maxime Le Forestier, Bernard Lavilliers and Serge Gainsbourg ("Amour puissance six") all followed in her footsteps. The young mixed-race woman with the physique of a model went on to enjoy a dual career on the big and small screens(Soeur Thérè, La Crim', Navarro...) and in song, with the themed albums Verso (1996), Loin de Paname (2002), Saga (2004) and Begin The Biguin...
Das erste Mal tat's noch weh
Das erste Mal tat's noch wehStefan Waggershausen and Viktor Lazlo

Tief Im Süden Meines Herzens

Das erste Mal tat's noch weh
Das erste Mal tat's noch wehStefan Waggershausen and Viktor Lazlo

Touché d'Amour


Paupières Mi-Closes (Paupieres Mi-Closes)
Paupières Mi-Closes (Paupieres Mi-Closes)Florent Pagny and Viktor Lazlo



Amour Puissance Six
Amour Puissance SixViktor Lazlo

Club Désert / Hot and Soul


Canoë Rose
Canoë RoseViktor Lazlo

Canoë Rose


Pleurer Des Rivières (Cry Me A River)
Pleurer Des Rivières (Cry Me A River)Viktor Lazlo


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