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Vince Clarke

Ambient music
Electronic music
Electro pop
English singer-songwriter and synth-pop musician Vincent John Martin, popularly known as Vince Clarke, was born on July 3, 1960, in South Woodford, Essex. Vince grew up in Basildon, Essex, and was drawn to music from a young age, first playing the violin and then the piano. His music career began in earnest in the late 1970s. He formed a band called No Romance in China with schoolmate Andy Fletcher. By 1979, he was playing guitar in the Plan, an Ultravox-influenced band. His next big step was in 1980 when he and Fletcher started Composition of Sound, later joined by Martin Gore. ...
Automatic, Pt. 1
Automatic, Pt. 1Jean-Michel Jarre and Vince Clarke

Electronica 1 : The Time Machine


A Little Respect
A Little Respectlealclimaco, Andy Bell, Vince Clarke and Andrew Bell


Bad Connection
Bad ConnectionVince Clarke


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