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Wanda Jackson

Rock music
Country music
One of the first female artists to mix country music with rock'n'roll, Wanda Jackson created a unique niche for herself as "the first lady of rockabilly". Such is her reputation as one of America's heritage artist that younger musicians have been strongly influenced by her, and Jack White of White Stripes even collaborated with her on her 2011 album The Party Ain't Over. Jackson was given her first guitar by her father, who also took her to see Bob Wills, a concert that left a lasting impression on her. She won a local talent contest in Oklahoma when she was 11 which led to her o...
Let's Have A Party
Let's Have A PartyWanda Jackson

Wanda Jackson


Savin' My Love
Savin' My LoveWanda Jackson

Rockin' with Wanda


Half as Good a Girl
Half as Good a Girl 

Bonus Track

Wanda Jackson

Wanda Jackson


You're the One for Me
You're the One for MeWanda Jackson

Rockin' with Wanda


I Still Belong to You
I Still Belong to YouWanda Jackson


Oh, Boy!
Oh, Boy!Wanda Jackson

Sweet Nothin's


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