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Wayne Kramer

Rock music
Psychedelic rock
Punk rock
Guitarist with proto-punk band MC5, Wayne Kramer played in a number of other bands over the course of a long solo career. Born Wayne Stanley Krambes in Detroit, Michigan on April 30, 1948, he formed the MC5 in 1963 with guitarist Fred ‘Sonic’ Smith and singer Rob Tyner, under the supervision of manager John Sinclair, a poet and free jazz enthusiast known for his political activism. Under his influence, the MC5 (Motor City Five) forged their live reputation in a style that borrowed from garage rock, hard rock, psychedelic rock, blues and rock'n'roll, as evidenced by their debut al...
Do You Love Me
Do You Love MeWayne Kramer and The Pink Fairies

Gang War


Silver Machine
Silver MachineWilliam Shatner, Carmine Appice and Wayne Kramer

Seeking Major Tom

These Boots Are Made For Walkin'
These Boots Are Made For Walkin'Johnny Thunders and Wayne Kramer

Gang War

It's All Too Much
It's All Too MuchWayne Kramer


Waiting to Die
Waiting to DieMickey Avalon and Wayne Kramer

Mickey Avalon


Cherry Bomb
Cherry BombCherie Currie, Wayne Kramer and Marky Ramone

Messin' With The Boys


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