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Wreckless Eric

Rock music
Punk rock
New wave
Part of a gang of DIY post-punk oddballs signed to the legendary indie label Stiff Records, Wreckless Eric delivered eccentric pop songs with frantic, snarling energy and a ragged spirit. Born in East Sussex, Eric Goulden cut his teeth on the London pub rock scene in the mid-1970s and landed a deal with Stiff in 1977 when Nick Lowe heard a cassette tape of homemade demos he had dropped off. His single Whole Wide World was championed by Radio 1 DJ John Peel and albums Wreckless Eric (1978), The Wonderful World Of. (1979) and Big Smash! (1980) became cult favourites with Elvis Cost...
Whole Wide World
Whole Wide WorldWreckless Eric

Wreckless Eric


Whole Wide World
Whole Wide WorldDie Toten Hosen and Wreckless Eric

Learning English: Lesson One


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Reconnez CherieWreckless Eric

Wreckless Eric


Whole Wide World
Whole Wide WorldWreckless Eric

Semaphore Signals
Semaphore SignalsWreckless Eric

Wreckless Eric

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Rough KidsWreckless Eric

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