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Soul music
South Korean singer Yangpa Lee Eun-jin (Korean: 이은진) was born on 17 March 1979 in Manchon-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu and is known professionally as Yangpa (Korean: 양파, lit. Onion). She launched her career in 1996 with her debut album and its hit title track "Novice's Love," establishing her voice on 1998 follow-up I Want to Know and third album Addio, which went to number one in 2000. Perfume arrived the following year until health issues forced her to retreat from the spotlight, although a best-of album emerged in 2003, The Best Album. She returned to music making in 2007 The Windo...
사랑..그게 뭔데 Love.. What is it (Love.. What is it)
사랑..그게 뭔데 Love.. What is it (Love.. What is it)양파 (Yangpa)

The Windows of My Soul


눈부신 계절 A Dazzling Season (A Dazzling Season)
눈부신 계절 A Dazzling Season (A Dazzling Season)양파 (Yangpa)

The Glory, Pt. 1 (Original Soundtrack from the Netflix Series)


애송이의 사랑 (Ai Song I Eui Sa Rang)
애송이의 사랑 (Ai Song I Eui Sa Rang)양파 (Yangpa)


그대를 알고 (Geu Dai Reul Al Go)
그대를 알고 (Geu Dai Reul Al Go)양파 (Yangpa)

The Windows of My Soul


마음의 기록
마음의 기록양파 (Yangpa)


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