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Yasser Desai

Pop music
Dance music
Electronic music
The award-winning Bollywood playback singer Yasser Desai was born November 15, 1989 in Mumbai, India. Music attracted him as a boy and he eventually pursued a music career. He made his debut in a Bollywood film with 2016’s Beilmaan Love where he contributed his vocals to three of the movie’s tracks. That led immediately to a prolific expansion of his film singing duties. In 2017 his voice could be heard in 10 movies and followed that with 8 additional films in 2018. In addition to 11 more additions to his filmography in 2019, he won the Best Playback Singer award at that year’s Z...
MakhnaTanishk Bagchi, Asees Kaur and Yasser Desai



Pallo Latke
Pallo LatkeZain - Sam, Kumaar, Fazilpuria, Jyotica Tangri and Yasser Desai


Dil Ko Karaar Aaya
Dil Ko Karaar AayaYasser Desai and Neha Kakkar


जोगी (Jogi)
जोगी (Jogi)Yasser Desai and Aakanksha Sharma


Dhoonde Akhiyaan
Dhoonde AkhiyaanYasser Desai and Altamash Faridi


Naino Ne Baandhi
Naino Ne BaandhiYasser Desai and Arko


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