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(You Hee Yeol)

Pop music
Asiatic music
World music
You Hee-yeol, born on April 19, 1971, is a multifaceted South Korean artist known for his work as a singer-songwriter, radio DJ, and TV host, particularly for the show "You Hee-yeol's Sketchbook." He founded the one-man band Toy in 1994, initially started as a duo. Toy became a platform for him to showcase his music, largely using guest vocalists for performances. He gained early recognition in the music scene by winning the grand prize at the You Jae-ha Music Contest in 1992. Aside from his music career, he has made significant contributions to K-pop by producing albums for well...
다음 겨울에도 여기서 만나 Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas (Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas)
다음 겨울에도 여기서 만나 Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas (Hello Antenna, Hello Christmas)유희열, 권진아, 이진아, 정승환, 페퍼톤스(PEPPERTONES), 샘김, 적재, 유재석, 윤석철, 서동환, 정재형, 루시드폴, 박새별 and 미주(MIJOO) (You Hee Yeol, Kwon Jin Ah, Lee Jin Ah, Jung Seung Hwan, PEPPERTONES, Sam Kim, Jukjae, Yoo Jae Seok, Yun Seokchul, Seo Dong Hwan, Jung Jae Hyung, Lucid Fall, Park Sae Byul and Lee Mi Joo)

2021 Antenna Christmas Carol


Silly Love Song - 토이 (SillyLoveSongto i)
Silly Love Song - 토이 (SillyLoveSongto i)유희열 (You Hee Yeol)

Sueno - Fractal (SuenoFractal)
Sueno - Fractal (SuenoFractal)유희열 (You Hee Yeol)

Velvet Crush - Where The story ends (VelvetCrushWhereThestoryends)
Velvet Crush - Where The story ends (VelvetCrushWhereThestoryends)유희열 (You Hee Yeol)

나비 - 세인트 바이너리 (na bi se in teu ba i neo ri)
나비 - 세인트 바이너리 (na bi se in teu ba i neo ri)유희열 (You Hee Yeol)

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