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Young Bombs

Electronic music
Dance music
Electronic dance music (EDM)
Canadian EDM duo Young Bombs established themselves in the dance music market with a series of remixes which have become popular in clubs throughout North America and Europe. Reworking various songs by artists such as Galantis, Sigma and Cazzette the duo have garnered a reputation for intelligent and creative interpretations which appeal to dance audiences. They built a following through a series of appearances at major festivals throughout the USA and in 2017 released a seven-minute spoof of the Netflix sci-fi horror series 'Stranger Things'. The parody was titled 'Stranger B...
High Road
High RoadYoung Bombs and Robinson

The Young Bombs Show


Where the Shadow Ends
Where the Shadow EndsBANNERS and Young Bombs

Where the Shadow Ends

Summer in Brooklyn
Summer in BrooklynYoung Bombs

Summer in Brooklyn


Starry Eyes
Starry EyesYoung Bombs

The Young Bombs Show


High Road
High RoadYoung Bombs and Robinson

Faded - Young Bombs Remix
Faded - Young Bombs RemixAlan Walker and Young Bombs


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