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Yunel Cruz

Latin pop music
Pop music
Jofre Cruz aka Yunel Cruz is a New York bachata singer. He began composing and writing at an early age, and scored his first hit in 2010 with " Dominicanita", successively renamed " Mi Mexicanita " and "Mi Columbianita ". Her style blends references to Western pop with Latin sounds. Still seeking international recognition, he recorded the songs "Made for You " and "Soy Tu DJ" in 2011 , then offered a sensual, modern interpretation of bachata with "Ay Amiga" in 2014.
No Vuelve
No VuelveYunel Cruz

Despacito Latino Party


La Llave de Mi Corazón
La Llave de Mi CorazónDon Omar and Yunel Cruz

MTO2: New Generation


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