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Rap music
German rap
Zate, whose real name is Dominic Wettig, was born on May 19, 1992. Growing up in Berlin's trendy Neukölln district, the rapper's musical career really took off in the mid-2010s. Unlike most of the hip-hop business, the thoughtful and sensitive artist is hardly interested in status, gangster swagger or street credibility. Wettig, who had to deal with strokes of fate such as the death of someone close to him before his rise as an MC, uses music as an emotional outlet - and thus gives hope to many fans. With his debut album It's Zate in 2017, he laid the foundation for an oeuvre ful...
VanessaZate and Rewind-Beats

Bevor ich jemand anderes liebe
Bevor ich jemand anderes liebeZate


SchwangerZate and Veysigz MusiC


In liebe, dein Ex
In liebe, dein ExZate and Jack Center


Weißt du was Liebe ist (Weisst du was Liebe ist)
Weißt du was Liebe ist (Weisst du was Liebe ist)CedMusic and Zate

CedMusic Vol.3


Wer rettet mich
Wer rettet michZate and Jack Center
