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Ziynet Sali

Pop music
Electro pop
Electronic music
Exploring the spectrum of classical Turkish and traditional Greek rebetiko music in her early work, Turkish-Cypriot singer Ziynet Sali was born in Nicosia, Cyprus on April 19th, 1975, and lived in the UK briefly as a child, during which she obtained British citizenship. She returned to Cyprus in 1981 to attend high school before moving to Istanbul to study at the ITU Turkish Music State Conservatory. She cut her teeth as a singer on the live entertainment circuit before releasing her debut album Ba-Ba in 2000, comprised entirely of Turkish songs. Her second album Amman Kuzum – re...
Hadi Hoppalara
Hadi HoppalaraZiynet Sali and Berk Coşkun (Berk Coskun)

Hadi Hoppalara


Deli Divanenim
Deli DivanenimZiynet Sali

Yaşam Çiçeği


Sanane Be
Sanane BeZiynet Sali and Costi


Bana Da Söyle (Bana Da Soyle)
Bana Da Söyle (Bana Da Soyle)Ziynet Sali

Yaşam Çiçeği


Herşey Güzel Olacak (Hersey Guzel Olacak)
Herşey Güzel Olacak (Hersey Guzel Olacak)Ziynet Sali

Sonsuz Ol


Senin Olsun
Senin OlsunZiynet Sali

Sonsuz Ol


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