I surrender to You as a living sacrifice
Upon Your altar a living sacrifice
I surrender to You as a living sacrifice
Upon Your altar a living sacrifice
I surrender to You as a living sacrifice
Upon Your altar a living sacrifice
You are my redeemer (mm) forgiver my everything
Purifier purify me with Your fire (mm) burn everything
Every flesh wеy dey hold me down
Take it away takе it from me
Every weight wey dey slow me down
Take it away take it from me
So I can I run Your race oh
Qualified by Your atonement
Digging deep in Your Word it's food for my soul and
Sanctification for every moment yeah
Open my eyes so I can see Your love and grace lighten up my whole life
And how the blood You bled for me commot shame for my life
So I can stand before Your face without looking aside yeah
Open my eyes so I can see Your love and grace lighten up my whole life
And how the blood You bled for me commot shame for my life
So I can stand before Your face without looking aside
I surrender to You as a living sacrifice
Upon Your altar a living sacrifice
Sacrifice no go drag knife with You
Sacrifice no go hold Your hand yeah yeah
Sacrifice be dead on arrival
I submit myself to Your hand oh
Slit me open till my guts overflow
Make me rise like a sweet smelling savour
I surrender to You as a living sacrifice
Upon Your altar a living sacrifice
Let Your Spirit birth surrender in this place
Let Your Spirit birth surrender in me
Everything in me good or bad that rebels against You
Everything in me good or bad that is against Your will
Everything in me that is good or bad
Holding me back from Your fullness O God
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I surrender to You as a living sacrifice