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I could say it day and night
I'm so happy you are mine
Nothing can change my mood today
Even when all the things align

Heavy rain on our parade
The darkest clouds above my head
I dont care I'm counting every raindrop
Cause when you appear thats when the rain stops

Singing la la la laa la la la la la laa
cause I'm happy la la la la laa lala la
cause I'm happy

I'm living on cloud 99
since you came into my life
I haven't had a single bad day
and nothing will change this way

Heavy rain on our parade
The darkest clouds above my head
I sitting here I'm counting every raindrop
Cause when you appear thats when the rain stops

Singing la la la laa la la la la la la
cause I'm happy la la la la laa lala la laa
cause I'm happy


Lyrics © SUISA

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