Did I close my eyes to it?
Did our years end in minutes?
Couldn't keep you on my own
Or your beating heart, or is it bionic?
Couldn't keep you home where all of our love lies
When he's gone, he's gone
When he's gone, he's gone
Before I lost it all, before I lost you, I
I could see us fall but not as far down
You speak, got me up all night like
Let it bleed all my pride
You baby, when I love I love like
I loved you like nobody else could ever love you
Like some of you was bionic?
'Cause I couldn't keep you warm
Got you looking for love anywhere else but home
When you're gone, you're gone
When you're gone, you're gone
I could see us fall but not as far down
Did you lose your limits?
Did I close my eyes to it?
How did our years end in minutes?
Go on, go ahead, be gone, go on, live your own
I'ma start hating you, do voodoo on you
Make you feel what you do
The thought of you walking around all smiles right now
While I try to make sense of what's real or not (or not)
You make me sick to my stomach, so mad, my god (my god)
Oh, I hate that I loved you, I hate that I loved you
You made the ground I stand on disappear and die
How am I supposed to move on when all I know is a lie?
Not a seed in this old dirt's gonna come out alive
Oh, I hate that I loved you, I hate that I loved you
You speak, got me up all night like
Let it bleed all my pride
You, baby, when I love, I love like
I loved you like nobody else could ever love you
Chirag Patel, Eivind Helgerod, Nicolay Tangen Svennaes, Emilie Nicolas, Magdi Omar Ytreeide Abdelmaguid, Thomas Kongshavn