The king commanded mighty men to bind three boys that did not bend
And throw them in de fire
De fire was so hot, it killed the men that threw them in
You won't believe, Lord Lord
But four men the king could see, Lord
Fireeeeeee , deliver me Lord
Fireeeeeee , deliver me Lord
The Hebrew boys were firm in faith and that is why they did not bend
They believed God would deliver
So when yuh in the midst of blazing fire give God praise
You won't believe, Lord Lord
But four men the king could see, Lord
Fireeeeeee , deliver me Lord
Fireeeeeee , deliver me Lord
I know it's hard to trust the Lord, at times you feel like giving in
Stand up for God and watch him do unimaginable things
But four men the king could see, Lord
Fireeeeeee , deliver me Lord
Fireeeeeee , deliver me Lord
Deliver me from de fire of my sins
Deliver me from de fire deep within, Lord
Deliver me from de fire i cyah win
Lord Lord Lord, deliver me Lord
Fire, deliver me Lord (deliver my heart Lord, deliver my soul Lord, deliver my mind Lord)
Fire fire fire, deliver me Lord (Deliver my heart Jesus, deliver my mind, deliver my soul)