I aint no drunk but I'll take a drink
And that don't make me wrong no matter what you think
I read my bible but not everyday
Will that keep me out of heaven well that aint for you to say
I sit tall on a barstool and just as tall in a church pew
And I don't think it's wrong to feel at home at either place
I have a cold one now and then on the river I was baptized in
So before you point that finger don't bother
Cause we all fall somewhere between the Honkytonk and the Altar
I don't lie but I'll stretch the truth
And if it keeps from hurtin' someone be honest wouldn't you
I love my lady but I aint blind man
And I'll be the first to say that I look from time to time
I sit tall on a barstool and just as tall in a church pew
And I don't think it's wrong to feel at home at either place
I have a cold one now and then on the river I was baptized in
So before you point that finger don't bother
Cause we all fall somewhere between the honkytonk and the Altar
Well I aint no preacher and I aint no heathen
I'm just a good old boy who believes in
Sittin tall on a barstool and just as tall in a church pew
And I don't think it's wrong to feel at home at either place
I have a cold one now and then on that river I was baptized in
And I don't recall seein' you walk on that water
I recon we all fall somewhere between the honkytonk and the altar
But I'll stretch the truth