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Cast No Reflection

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Cast No Reflection
I am possessed I guess, in need of an exorcist
A holy chief, a priest at least no doctor can cure this disease
I’m fading fast each breath my last, you’re drinking up my laughing gas
A different class of demons pass through each and every looking glass
Now every moment I’m afraid of what I might do in your name
Your signature claw marks remain upon my flesh a ruby stain
Well I never wanted you to go, well I tried my best to let you know that
Beyond the pale no love can grow
You wanted to live like vampires
But you couldn’t see us living forever
Or what it means to cast no reflection, to die in the sun
You cast no reflection to anyone you have ever claimed to love
There was a time when I once knew you
I couldn’t see through you, things are much different now
I can see the light that’s shining behind you, I guess you gotta get used to
People walking right through you now
You wanted to live like vampires
But you couldn’t see us living forever
Or what it means to cast no reflection, to die in the sun
You cast no reflection, to anyone you had ever claimed to love this bad
And now you’re a ghost to me, hollow and free


Thomas Jefferson Cowgill



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