Round table meeting on a Saturday night
Destiny’s wings put me by your side
I knew, I had to speak to you
Five foot two with emerald eyes
Beauty that rivaled the west Texas sky
I knew, I needed more time with you.
My heart beat big and leapt in my chest
My mind went fuzzy, I forget the rest
I knew, hot dog, I wanted you
Time flew by as we sat in that booth
I listened to you talk and discovered the truth
I knew, I had to marry you
Sometimes in life God gives us the chance
To grab a sweet woman and ask her to dance
and with every note that lights up the room
I can feel destiny coming into bloom
Oh, I’ll always choose you
It started off sweet, got a little rocky
A couple words got a little saucy
I knew, I’d never give up on you
Sometimes we laugh, sometimes we cry
Sometimes the words escape our minds
It’s true, you know I’m stuck on you
Now we have kids, and a life our own
A few grey hairs are beginning to show
You know, I wanna grow old with you
And when they look back on this family tree
You plus love is the best of me
They’ll know, our love was always true
Sometimes in life God gives us the chance
To grab a sweet woman and ask her to dance
and with every note that lights up the room
I can feel destiny coming into bloom
Oh, I’ll always choose you