I dedicate this song to a friend who knows nothing but basketball
Thank you so much for everything
When I first saw you I honestly didn't think you'd be the next Michael Jordan
But as time went on your shooting form your focus on the game
And the sparkle in your eyes when you were trying to win the game
And I thought "Huh? Something's wrong with him!!! I realized
In the '98 slam dunk contest
That dunk with the ball crossed between your legs
I don't know anyone who didn't get goosebumps
Your passion for the game and the mamba spirit you exhibited
Aand the Mamba spirit that you have shown to so many basketball players
Who are now playing all over the world and they look up to you as a role model
You have a lot of players who look up to you don't you think?
When I heard the news on the morning of the holiday in Korea
I was really dazed for a while and couldn't think of anything
I don't know how many times I watched the news again and again to see if it was really true
I don't know how many times
I miss you in my dreams my friend
It was such an honor and a blessing to spend my 20s and 30s with you
You must be doing well there too right? You're the kind of guy that wherever you are Whatever you do
Wherever you are whatever you're doing
I'm not worried I was born in '80
I was born a little early so you'll have to forgive me if I say so
But I've always wanted to be your friend
I miss you in my dreams my friend
It was such an honor and a blessing to spend my 20s and 30s with you
I'm sure you're still playing basketball there
Maybe you can come visit me in my dreams sometime and play some one-on-one with me
Take care of yourself love you and thank you Kobe
I miss you in my dreams my friend
It was such an honor and a blessing to spend my 20s and 30s with you