You care about the little things
Just when I thought nobody gave a fuck
(If I fall in love then will you be there to catch me
If I, If I fall in love then will you be there to catch me, catch me)
And we both know I can’t call my body’s bluff
(If I throw it back then will you be there to catch it
If I, If I throw it back then will you be there to catch it, catch it)
Cus I been in my feelings almost every night
And you been in my healing tryna make it right,
You check my levels when they rise
You know I’m already yours cus you leave me feeling better than I was before
You been seeing right through me, and you pick apart the pieces that won’t let me breathe
With you I can truly heal
Running through my body baby
Clear up my mind like that
So off the top of my head
I can give a million reasons why I don’t rush to love
(If you think you good tell me, tell me why I should
If you, if you think you good tell me, tell me why I should)
But when all is done and said
Nothing comes to mind you’re the only one I think of yeah
I lay my head back on your pillow
Running through my body baby
Clear up my mind like that
Boy ya blowin up my insides
Boy ya blowin up my insides