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Angéline Johnston

The Ground
The GroundAngéline Johnston, Ola Gjeilo, Adrien Bâty, Hélène Landais, Tristan Fourault and Théodore Lambert

Northern Lights


Mother Of God Here I Stand
Mother Of God Here I StandAngéline Johnston, John Tavener, Adrien Bâty, Hélène Landais and Tristan Fourault

Children Of Men


Die Nacht
Die NachtAngéline Johnston, Adrien Bâty, Hélène Landais, Laudine Bignonet, Tristan Fourault, Josef Rheinberger and Joseph von Eichendorff


An Irish Blessing
An Irish BlessingAngéline Johnston, Alexander L'Estrange, Adrien Bâty, Hélène Landais, Laudine Bignonet, Tristan Fourault and Joanna l'Estrange

On Eagles' Wings


An Irish Blessing (A Cappella)
An Irish Blessing (A Cappella)Angéline Johnston, Adrien Bâty, Hélène Landais, James E. Moore, Laudine Bignonet and Tristan Fourault


You Raise Me Up
You Raise Me UpAngéline Johnston, Rolf Løvland, Brendan Graham, Adrien Bâty, Hélène Landais, Tristan Fourault, Théodore Lambert and Tom Fettke
