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I bought me a cat, my cat pleased me,
I fed my cat under yonder tree.
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a duck, my duck pleased me,
I fed my duck under yonder tree.
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a goose, my goose pleased me,
I fed my goose under yonder tree.
My goose says, “Quaw, quaw”,
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a hen, my hen pleased me.
I fed my hen under yonder tree.
My hen says, "Pock, pock, pock” (2x),
My goose says, “Quaw, quaw”,
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a pig, my pig pleased me.
I fed my pig under yonder tree.
My pig says, “Grw, grw”.
My hen says, "Pock, pock, pock” (2x),
My goose says, “Quaw, quaw”,
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a cow, my cow pleased me.
I fed my cow under yonder tree.
My cow says “Moo, moo”,
My pig says, “Grw, grw”.
My hen says, "Pock, pock, pock” (2x),
My goose says, “Quaw, quaw”,
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a horse, my horse pleased me.
I fed my horse under yonder tree.
My horse says, “Prrh, Prrh”,
My cow says “Moo, moo”,
My pig says, “Grw, grw”.
My hen says, "Pock, pock, pock” (2x),
My goose says, “Quaw, quaw”,
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.

I bought me a wife, my wife pleased me.
I fed my wife under yonder tree.
My wife says, “Andreas, Andreas”,
My horse says, “Prrh, Prrh”,
My cow says “Moo, moo”,
My pig says, “Grw, grw”.
My hen says, "Pock, pock, pock” (2x),
My goose says, “Quaw, quaw”,
My duck says, “Quaa, quaa”,
My cat says fiddle eye fee.



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