Well met, well met, my own true love
Well met, well met"", cried he
""I've just returned from the salt, salt sea
All for the love of thee""
""I could have married the King's daughter, dear
She would have married me
But I have forsaken her crowns of gold
All for the love of thee""
""Well, if you could have married the King's daughter, dear
I'm sure you are to blame
For I am married to a house carpenter
And find him a nice young man""
""Oh, will you forsake your house carpenter
I'll take you to where the grass grows green
To the banks of the salt, salt sea""
""Well, if I should forsake my house carpenter
What have you got to maintain me on
And keep me from poverty?""
""Six ships, six ships all out on the sea
One hundred and ten all brave sailor men
Will be at your command""
She picked up her own wee babe
Said, ""Stay right here with my house carpenter
Well, they'd not been gone but about two weeks
When this fair lady began to weep