V1 Wonderful is what i perceived
but over time i found reality
that you're the only one who gets me!
Chorus I may be missunderstood cause I would and never fake it
you're the only one who understands my pain
cause you get me(you get me)
doesn't matter what they do,
V2 No more tears it's a silent night
you've broken down all fears
cause you've invaded all of me
you know me better that i know my self
it you're the only one who gets me!
Bridge 1 I don't care what the world may say
i hear you call me by name
there is nothing that i'd rather do
than just worship you Lord,
worship you!!!!! (i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay) Yeah (i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay) yeah (i'm okay, i'm okay) Yeah (i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay, i'm okay!)
Bridge 2 ( with i'm okay's in the backround)
you understand me so completly
now i am free cause lord you get me (repeat)